ctc tour of Norway

12th to 26th June 2002

Led by Brian Curtis
Website construction by Ken Hardy

Click on the date below to go to the pictures for that day of the tour.

12th June
13th June
14th June
15th June
16th June
17th June
18th June
19th June
20th June
21st June
22nd June
23rd June
24th June

This web site includes photographs taken during the tour. They were shot on a Canon G2 digital camera.

The pages are very simply presented but I hope to add more information as I have time.

A photograph of the full group, taken in Dragsvik, can be found here.

Last modified by the webmaster, Ken Hardy, on February 26, 2007 9:31





© All photographs on this site are the property of Kenneth Hardy who holds copyright in them. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please e-mail me at the above address to ask permission (which will usually be granted!).